Military engagement and income inequality in LAC region. Empirical evidence from 1990 to 2022

Military engagement and income inequality in LAC region. Empirical evidence from 1990 to 2022 - Cespic Working Paper 2024/01 - Adelaide Baronchelli, Antonella Biscione, Raul Caruso Lexo më shumë: military engagement and income inequality in lac r...

What explains the size of Sovereign Wealth Funds?

This paper empirically investigates the economic correlates of the size of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs). Lexo më shumë: what explains the size of sovereign wealth funds?...

Does training explain innovation in transition economies?

Cespic Working Paper 2023/01, Antonella Biscione, Chiara Burlina, Raul Caruso. Training has generally been linked to firm’s innovation propensity, but evidence remains sparse on the role of different typologies of training for firms in transition economies. Lexo më shumë: does training explain innovation in transition eco...

Vaccines between War and Market

Cespic Working Paper 2022/02 (Anna Balestra, Raul Caruso) Lexo më shumë: vaccines between war and market...

Should Education and Military Expenditures be Combined for Government Economic Policy?

Cespic Working Paper 2022/01 (Anna Balestra, Raul Caruso) Lexo më shumë: should education and military expenditures be comb...