
Rezarta Shametaj, Dorotea Paluca, Fiorela Nili - Erasmus 2023

Rezarta Shametaj, Dorotea Paluca, Fiorela Nili studente të Programit të Studimit në Ekonomi Ndërmarrjeje të Universitetit Katolik "Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë", në Erasmus në Universitetin Ekonomik në Krakov.

Rezarta Shametaj 

My erasmus experience started on Feb, 2023 , when together with my two University friends we started our journey for Krakow , Poland. Erasmus has been on my wishlist since a kid, and i am very happy that i had the chance to live that kind of experience . Throughout my erasmus period, i had the chance to adapt new studing techniques while studing in a different language and education system compared to what I’m used to. Had the possibility to make new friends and new connections from all over the world and keep the connections. Being in a new country, living away from my relatives made me a lot more responsible. I learned many things about the culture of Poland, its people, and at the end of my erasmus period I felt like a real Polish citizen. I had the chance to visit other countries like Germany, Chezh Republic, Hungary and make unforgettable memories. 5 months felt like two weeks, but two weeks that will forever be in my memory. Coming back in Albania , it felt like leaving home to go back home. This whole experience has given me a more clear mindset about my future. I would strongly advice to every student to go for it because its one of a lifetime experience.


Dorotea Paluca 

Erasmus For me Erasmus was a challenge, a bittersweet challenge. Since young i have always dreamed about the day i would be part of the “Erasmus world” Everyone who was part of this project talked with so much joy with such dreamy eyes that it made me eager to do my best so i as well would have the possibility to be part of it It gives so much to us students, it gave me more than i can count, I learned how to adapt, grow more be independent, be more open to changes and going out of my comfort zone. Academically speaking it made me realise how different is the educational system and how much you can learn from it. It made me learn how to adapt to polish universities style and have a new studying method. The professors were always ready in helping us become more used to everything that was new to us while at the same time taking time to answer to every little doubt we had Culturally, Erasmus makes u see how similar you are to many cultures you never thought you would be and how different you are with many others, it makes you learn new things and be a person of the world In Poland while being an international student i tried to make the best of it and explore more about the place I was living at With my newly Erasmus family we engaged into many activities, trips and get-togethers so we could cherish every moment Being an Erasmus had its benefits so i did many trips and got to know lots of beautiful cities in Poland and explore at the same time the Europe as well Long story short i went to Erasmus with many questions and came back with many answers and newborn questions and experiences as well Its something I would try 10x more and every-time would feel as amazing as the first one


Fiorela Nili 

My Erasmus+ journey I am Fiorela, and I was part of an Erasmus+ in February of 2023, alongside two great women which I could call friends throughout the entire semester. My destination of choice had been a dream of mine to visit. Poland had been a great place for my sister, and I got persuaded by the beauty, excitement and love that she held in her stories of the country, and I was not disappointed. Studying abroad has had both its difficulties and eases. Either way, it was a lovely way toe experience the feeling of being "the new student in school". I loved adapting to the student life and learning more about their societal norms and culture. At the same time being presented with so much information at once takes it's toll on you, - especially when there's such a big difference between Albania and Poland - until you eventually get used to everything, which doesn't take long. As for social life, I've had the opportunity to make so many friends during my stay. We visited so many cities and neighbouring countries and built a wonderful network of peers that all managed to grow and become the best version of themselves, including I. I will always have this experience with me in my heart, no matter what life brings, it was most definitely the most beneficial procejt I could have partaken in, and I recommend all students do the same.

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