
8th edition of the Summer School of "Roots of War & Establishment of a Lasting Peace"

As the 8th edition of the Summer School of "Roots of War & Establishment of a Lasting Peace" draws to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared over this week.

We are deeply grateful to the professors that participated in this edition.

To our amazing students: THANK YOU for your active engagement, thoughtful discussions, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Your energy and dedication have been truly remarkable.

As you leave this program, we hope that the knowledge and connections you've gained will continue to empower you on your unique paths.

Remember, the journey towards lasting peace is an ongoing one, and each one of you now carries the torch of change. Whether you pursue further studies, engage in activism, or spread awareness in your communities, know that you have the potential to create a brighter, more peaceful future.

We wish you all the success and fulfillment in your future endeavors, wherever they may lead.

Let's continue to work together, inspire change, and build a world where peace prevails. Until we meet again next year at the 9th edition of the Summer School!

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