
Medicine Graduation Ceremony at the University Cattolica "Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio"

Today many young people, family members, friends and colleagues of our medical students filled the Aula Magna. A long, difficult journey, with many challenges, but very beautiful and exciting, ended successfully and with many emotions at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”.

Today many young people, family members, friends and colleagues of our medical students filled the Aula Magna.
A long, difficult journey, with many challenges, but very beautiful and exciting, ended successfully and with many emotions at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”.
Our students graduated in “Medicine”, thus obtaining the qualification of doctor.
We at UCNSBC are very proud of you and have followed your journey with attention and dedication.

We wish success to our new doctors: Teresa Cristofaro, Treisi Islami, Ledia Kodraçaj, Argjend Kosiqi, Klarita Luka, Enxhi Qeli, Nicola Rizzo, Esmeralda Skana, Alessia Zadrima, Kristela Pepa.

UCNSBC, we are the best!

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