
Phd Cand. Emanuela Prendi, 8th International Conference NET NEP 2022, Spain

Phd Cand. Emanuela Prendi at “Tor Vergata” University and researcher at Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, held an oral presentation and a poster regarding Professional Competiencies, at the 8th International Conference NET NEP 2022 held in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain from 18-22 October, 2022.

Phd Cand. Emanuela Prendi at “Tor Vergata” University and researcher at Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, held an oral presentation and a poster regarding Professional Competiencies, at the 8th International Conference NET NEP 2022 held in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain from 18-22 October, 2022.

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