
IDEA project

In the last two weeks of November, a series of two- and three-days training activities took place in the framework of the IDEA project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU.

In the last two weeks of November, a series of two- and three-days training activities took place in the framework of the #IDEA project co-financed by the #Erasmus+ programme of the EU.
The trainings of Trainers on the practical challenges that Students with Disabilities face in their studies and employment, and the Follow-up training of International Relations Offices’ Coordinators & Career Officers were delivered online by the University of Limerick.
The follow-up Training of Library Services’ Coordinators on Assistive Technology based solutions, took place at the Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel, welcomed by our Rector, and was delivered by the Kapodistrian University of Athens.

IDEA project plays a crucial role for higher education in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro in terms of inclusiveness by bringing the European experience in setting up at our universities services and centres that aim to support the students with disabilities and with learning difficulties during and after their studies.

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