
Graduation in Business Economics Study Program

At Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were gratuated students of Business Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences.

At Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were gratuated students of Business Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences.

Discussed theri thesis before the commission and guests:

Candidate Suela Haliti, presented the topic "La rilevanza dell'immigrazione sulle finanze pubbliche in Albania";

Candidate Emona Pjeter presented the topic "Lo sviluppo turistico in Albania ed il suo impatto economico";

Candidate Donald Sula presented the topic "Foreign Direct Investments in Albania"

Congratulations to the graduates!

Business Economics graduates acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of management, finance, business strategies, economic policies, and various legal aspects of any kind of business.

Graduated students have an array of employment opportunities, both in private and public structures.

Study Business Economics Study Program at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", Joint Degree the University of Bari "Aldo Moro", recognized in Europe and other countries.

For more information on the Business Economics Study Program, visit the website:


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