
Specialization programs in medicine - Cardiovascular Diseases

The specialist in Cardiovascular Diseases must have acquired theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of pathophysiology, clinic and therapy of cardiovascular diseases including congenital heart diseases.

The specialist in Cardiovascular Diseases must have acquired theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of pathophysiology, clinic and therapy of cardiovascular diseases including congenital heart diseases. Specific areas of expertise are the pathophysiology and clinic of the cardiovascular system, functional and instrumental semiiotics, clinical methodology, including behavioral methodologies in acute syndromes and in emergency-urgency situations, invasive and non-invasive instrumental diagnostics, pharmacological and interventional therapy, as well as primary prevention interventions and rehabilitation-occupational programs. The duration of the study program is four years.

Deadline for applications by February 16, 2024.

For more information, please visit our website  https://www.unizkm.al/study/course/programma-di-specializzazione-a-lungo-termine-dellarea-medica

Contact to [email protected] phone number 042273290.

You are welcome!

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