
Training mobility in the framework of the inter-institutional agreement under the Erasmus+ programme

From 8 to 12 May 2023, we welcomed at our University Prof. Juan Sapena and Prof. Guillermo Babé, from the @Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, who spent a week of training mobility in the framework of the inter-institutional agreement under the Erasmus+ programme.

From 8 to 12 May 2023, we welcomed at our University Prof. Juan Sapena and Prof. Guillermo Babé, from the @Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, who spent a week of training mobility in the framework of the inter-institutional agreement under the Erasmus+ programme.

Their visit and direct contacts with the Rectorate, Departments and groups of researchers from the Faculties of Economics Medicine, Pharmacy and University staff increased the opportunities of cooperation and exchange of good practices  with a focus on potential lines of research, research grants, projects, research policies, promotion, and incentives for researchers.  

#UKZKM #UCV international #staffmobility #Erasmus+ #research #teaching

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