
Bachelor in business economics

Course Description

Ceremonia e Diplomimit të studentëve në Fakultetin e Shkencave Ekonomike, Politike dhe Sociale

Business Economics has as its core objective of providing insights about the reality of enterpreneurship in various views: economic, organizational, legal and quantitative. The formative offer is followed by a finalized preparation towards analysis, interpretation and decision-making of enterprenuers and managers. The reality of enterpreneurship is studied in all its elements that characterises it as well as the various typologies of enterpreneurship. And from an international point of view, such a detailed analysis points out the limitations and changes that each professional sector brings to the country’s economic and production system. The formative offers  is simultaneously  studied with the preparation of freelance professionals and consultants in economic disciplines. Our students do their formative training in domestic or international companies, before or after graduation.

Graduatoria Anonima Economia Aziendale Trasferimento dei Studi 2021-2022.pdf



Course Duration


Course level

Bachelor (First Cycle)


Faculty of Economic, Political and Social Sciences

Study Area(s)

Economic Science

Course Structure

Business Economics graduates acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of management, finance, business strategies, economic policies and various legal aspects of any kind of business. Our alumni in Business Economics may progress to postgraduate-level study, Master’s and/or PhD, in the following fields: health administration, international relations, european studies, financial management and risk management,  organization and management of institutions and health services, governance and territorial development,  promotion and development of enterprises, PhD in Statistics. 

Employment Opportunities

Business Economic graduates have an arrey of employment opportunies. In private structures, we can mention, i.e., the finance sectors: banks, financial investment and credit instituions and manufacturing and service businesses. While in public sector, graduates can find several jobs where their degree would be usefull, such as: the public fund management sectors, tax and customs institutions, and in all those state structures that  apply the modern methods of managing the public structures.

Fees & Scholarships

Annual Tuition Fee Business Economics

Annual tuition fee - 2.350,00 Euro

Candidates, citizens of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, enrolling for the first time in the academic year 2023-2024, will receive scholarship  for the first year study program as below:

- 50% of the annual tuition fee for the Business Economics Study Program, when they have a high school average from 9.00 - 9.99, and

- 80% of  annual tuition fee when they have a high school average of 10.00.

The above fee comprises the  full annual fee and the student does not pay extra fees when he/she has to take and/or repeat an exam.


Bardhe Karra.JPG
Bardhë Karra, PhD
Department of Economic and Entrepreneurship Sciences
Phone: + 35542273290
Fax: +35542243291
Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tiranë, Shqipëri
Floralba Mykaj
Phone: +35542243291
Fax: +35542243291
Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tirana
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