It’s never too early to think about your direction in life. Think about what you do well, what you enjoy doing, and how your interests and goals compare those needed in a career. Use these valuable tips to help discover your interests.
Now that you’ve decided on your destination, it’s time to map out your route. Seek guidance and encouragement from friends, family, and mentors. Then get on the road to a promising future with US!
Piano di Uguaglianza di Genere 2024-2027, Gender Equality Plan (GEP) Università Cattolica “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio”
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Presentation of the Gender Equality Plan 2024-2027
Immediately after the International Day of Girls and Women, the Gender Equality Plan was promoted at the Aula Magna of the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, presented by Professor Ersilia Buonomo, Delegate of the Rector for the Gender Equality Plan.
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The Catholic University and Hospital "Our Lady of Good Counsel" is together every day to eliminate the violence against women and girls.
Today, on the international day of this war, an event reflecting on the numerous cases resulting in the loss of life, we joined in a special meeting. Through songs, readings and reflections, we tried to raise awareness among the younger generations about the need for dialogue, respect for others and the protection of women and girls.
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Noi crediamo che ogni tipo di violenza e discriminazione sia inaccettabile!