
Alzhaimer's disease: from epidemiology to therapy

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Aula B107 dell’Università Cattolica "Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio”

As part of the activities of the project "Dementia in Albania: epidemiology, pharmacological therapies and the use of antibiotics" financed by the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation, on 13 December 2023, at 4:00pm, the interdisciplinary seminar with the theme: "Alzhaimer's disease: from epidemiology to therapy" will be held in aula B107 of the Catholic University "Öur Lady of Good Counsel".

As part of the activities of the project "Dementia in Albania: epidemiology, pharmacological therapies and the use of antibiotics" financed by the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation, on 13 December 2023, at 4:00pm, the interdisciplinary seminar with the theme: "Alzhaimer's disease: from epidemiology to therapy" will be held in aula B107 of the Catholic University "Öur Lady of Good Counsel".

The seminar contextualized in the cycle of UCNSBC Interdisciplinary Seminars on Wednesdays intends to illustrate the most important aspects of the pathology and recent developments.

Prof. Simonetta Galgani, Neurologist, Catholic University "Öur Lady of Good Counsel", will discuss the topic.

You are welcome!

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