
Intesa San Paolo Bank Collaboration

In the framework of excellent collaboration between the two institutions, during October 2023, a warm meeting was organized between the Rector of the Catholic University, Prof. Leonardo Palombi and the Chief Executive Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, Mr. Alessandro D'Oria.

In the framework of excellent collaboration between the two institutions, during October 2023, a warm meeting was organized between the Rector of the Catholic University, Prof. Leonardo Palombi and the Chief Executive Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, Mr. Alessandro D'Oria.

During the meeting, they discussed about the numerous fields of collaboration, such as research projects, co-organization of conferences and informative sessions, students’ trainings and also “Student Package” offered from Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania to the students of the University.   

The Administrator of the University, Ms. Evis Karandrea and Staff of CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, Mrs. Elsa Lila also participated in the meeting.

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