University News Category

University News Category

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Vote for the RIGHT

For the first time on January 16, 2025, starting from 08.00 am to 18.00 pm, voting will be held to choose between 5 candidates the Right of the year. This is a process that involves the civic engagement of anyone who on that date can secretly choose the candidate they want, whose name will be placed in the Garden of the Righteous for 2025. The process is simple and requires only a few minutes of commitment from anyone who will be at the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" Catholic University Campus and Hospital Complex or at the "At Luigji Monti" Polyambulance on Kavaja Street that day.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Bando Interno Per La Ricerca Scientifica

Bando interno per le richieste di finanziamento di progetti ed iniziative di ricerca a valere sui fondi dell'esercizio 2024.

| By: Ildrina Pacani


Cervical Cancer and HPV Vaccination: A Significant Study in Albania

The quadrivalent recombinant HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine has been recently incorporated into the National Immunization Program in Albania, marking a significant advancement in the fight against cervical cancer and HPV-related diseases.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Visit of the "Fehmi Agani" University of Gjakovë to the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" within the Bilateral Cooperation Project

Within the framework of the activities of the project “Pharmacological therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment and the benefits of rehabilitation with hydrotherapy in children with infantile cerebral palsy” funded by the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation, as part of the bilateral cooperation between Albania and Kosovo, in the field of education and science, the staff of the “Fehmi Agani” University of Gjakova visited the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Esperienza Erasmus+: La Dott.ssa Gjini porta la Cultura e le Pratiche Albanesi all’Università di Siena

Nel mese di novembre 2024, la dott.ssa Enkeleda Gjini ha visitato l’Università degli Studi di Siena nel’ambito di mobilità di personale per docenza in #Erasmus+.

| By: Ildrina Pacani