University News Category
University News Category

Harmonization of the Albanian Pharmaceutical Legislation with the European Pharmaceutical Directive
As part of the European project "Harmonization of the Albanian Pharmaceutical Legislation with the European Pharmaceutical Directive" (PHARM-EU), included in the Jean Monnet Module and funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, the roundtable on Pharmacoeconomics was successfully held on March 25, 2025, with the participation of experts from the pharmaceutical and economic sectors.
| By: Ildrina Pacani

The Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” supports and promotes the dissemination of scientific research
Dr. Bianka Hoxha, PhD, lecturer and member of the Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Technologies at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel,” participated by presenting a scientific poster at the congress organized by the European Federation of Internal Medicine, held in Florence (March 5-9, 2025), Italy.
| By: Ildrina Pacani

Summer school 2025
Join us for the 10th edition of the Summer School "Roots of War & Establishment of a Lasting Peace", organized by the European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation, and the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel"! Students from various countries participate in our Summer School.
| By: Ildrina Pacani

Drug manufacturer's liability and duty to inform
As part of the activities of the project “Harmonization of the Albanian Pharmaceutical Legislation with the European Pharmaceutical Directive”-PHARM-EU, financed by the Erasmus+ program of EU, on March 20th, 2025, at 12:00 the open lecture with the theme:“ Drug manufacturer's liability and duty to inform” will be held in aula B105 of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel”. Prof. Cluadio D’Alonzo will discuss on the topic. We look forward to seeing you!
| By: Ildrina Pacani

Ibrahim Rugova onorato nel Giardino dei Giusti 2025 presso il Campus Universitario Ospedaliero “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio”
Nel Giardino dei Giusti situato presso il Campus Ospedaliero Universitario “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” è stato inciso il nome del Giusto del 2025. Il nome del Presidente Ibrahim Rugova è stato rivelato durante una cerimonia solenne, nella quale numerosi partecipanti, personalità, diplomatici e personale accademico dell'UCNSBC hanno onorato il contributo del Primo Presidente del Kosovo e alla preziosa storia della sua significativa opera.
| By: Ildrina Pacani