University News Category

University News Category

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Graduation in Business Administration and the Master of Economics and Management courses

Some of our students were graduated in Business Administration and the Master of Economics and Management courses. Good luck in completing the full degree cycle for Angjelo Guli, Anton Ndokaj, Lorela Tusha, Klevis Dedaj and Alesja Jaku.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Sports Tournaments 2024

In our multicultural campus, sports grounds are integral parts that provide added value to the social life of our students.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

tarifa 40% zbritje

EJA! UKZKM mundëson 40% zbritje të tarifës së regjistimit për vitin e parë akademik 2024-2025

Për ju që keni vendosur të studioni në Universitetin Katolik "Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë".

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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The inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring"

Sotir Qiriaqi is the marathon runner who cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring" as we called the new pedestrian track at the Campus of the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" Foundation.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Accogliendo i Futuri Universitari: Visita dei Maturandi al Nostro Campus Universitario

Oggi abbiamo avuto il piacere di accogliere i maturandi della scuola superiore “Don Bosko”. Sono verso la fine del ciclo pre-universitario e sono venuti a trovarci per conoscere il nostro Campus presso l'Università Cattolica “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio”.

| By: Ildrina Pacani