University News Category

University News Category

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Rosella Pulatani winner of the Competition for High School Graduates 2023

Rosella Pulatani finished her studies at the high school “Sami Frasheri”, Tiranë and chose to continue her studies at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" in Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine.

| By: Ildrina Pacani


Jak Delia winner of the Competition for High School Graduates 2023

Jak Delia finished his studies at the high school “Aleks Buda”, Tiranë and chose to continue his studies at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" in Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Gjystin Kaçorri winner of the Competition for High School Graduates 2023

Gjystin Kaçorri finished her studies at the high school "Qemal Stafa" , Tiranë and chose to continue her studies at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" in Business Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Ejona Ndoi winner of the Competition for High School Graduates 2023

Ejona Ndoi finished her studies at the high school Gjimnazi Jopublik "Rogacionistet'' , Lezhë and chose to continue her studies at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" in Business Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences.

| By: Ildrina Pacani

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Meeting with Daria Bignardi – The feminine universe according to the writer and the television host who has lived many lives

On November 10, 2023, the Catholic University “ Our Lady of Good Counsel “ was pleased to host Ms. Daria Bignardi, journalist, radio and television presenter, writer, and former manager of Italian company. The event titled “ Meeting with Daria Bignardi – The feminine universe according to the writer and the television host who has lived many lives “ was held at “Aula Magna”.

| By: Ildrina Pacani