
Garden of the Righteous

The "Garden of the Righteous" was inaugurated today at the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" University Hospital Complex.

This space is the first by its nature in Albania and our University is proud of this innovative idea.
The "Garden of the Righteous" is a space where respect for the people who have provided a valuable contribution to society and urban greenery as a space for meditation and reflection come together.
Our university is a multidimensional institution at the center of which is education, culture, and man.
Therefore, on the day established by the European Parliament as the Day of the Righteous, the Catholic University " Our Lady of Good Counsel " inaugurate this garden as a space of meditation and reflection for students, teachers, our partners, and many of our friends.

“The Righteous” for the year 2024 will be the doctor Carlo Urbani, whose name will be engraved on one of the stones placed in this garden. Stones coming from all over Albania, and which are in harmony with the plants of this meditative space.
The doctor Carlo Urbani, whose name is now forever in this garden, gave his professional and human contribution by giving himself entirely, but offering to humanity, with much sacrifice all his skills in the noble science of medicine.

The garden was inaugurated with a special ceremony in the presence of:
Monsignor. Arjan Dodaj, archbishop of Tirana and Durazzo
Fr. Ruggero Valentini, President of “Our Lady of Good Counsel” Foundation
Prof. Leonardo Palombi, Rector of the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”
Arch. Frida Pashako, Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Tirana

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