
The 1st congress entitled "One Day Nutrition - Nutrition is Health" organized by the Albanian Society of Nutritional Science (ASNS) - President Angela Andreoli

The 1st congress entitled "One Day Nutrition - Nutrition is Health" organized by the Albanian Society of Nutritional Science (ASNS) - President Angela Andreoli - was held at the Plaza hotel in Tirana, in the presence of numerous academic and institutional authorities.

The 1st congress entitled "One Day Nutrition - Nutrition is Health" organized by the Albanian Society of Nutritional Science (ASNS) - President Angela Andreoli - was held at the Plaza hotel in Tirana, in the presence of numerous academic and institutional authorities. Among these also the Rector of UNIZKM University, who highlighted the role of universities in the training of nutrition professionals, through adequate study programs and the spirit of international collaboration. It was a well-attended and highly significant event that brought together experts, researchers, and professionals in the field of nutrition to discuss the latest advances, research findings and industry trends. Among those attending were doctors of different specialties, pharmacists, biologists, agronomists, and veterinarians. It was this great participation that turned the study day into an unprecedented opportunity for the Albanian nutritional reality with numerous messages sent, first the commitment to promoting health and well-being.

The promoter, Prof. Angela Andreoli declared: “as we know, nutrition is a fascinating and impactful field, of fundamental importance to our daily lives, the health and well-being of the global community. Nutrition is in fact a critical factor that affects various aspects of life, development, and the economy. Consequently, its economic, social and health impacts are decisive, both in terms of deficit and excess malnutrition. Nutrition for all is our great goal.”

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