
Graduation in Nursing Study Program

At the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were graduated students of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine of Tirana and Elbasan affiliate.

At the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were graduated students of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine of Tirana and Elbasan affiliate.
Before they received their degrees, our excellent team of professors asked the graduates to be patient-centered, think, then act.
Our graduates join thousands of others who have an european degree of the Catholic University "Our Lady of the Good Counsel".
Good luck to Brixhilda Sinani, Albana Murati, Anxhela Dervishi, Sebastiana Bozhiqi, Angela Cani, Migena Elezi, Xhensila Muzhaqi, Kiselda Allushi, Holger Shkurti.

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