
Graduation in Nursing Study Program

At Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were gratuated students of Nursing Study Program.

At Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were gratuated students of Nursing Study Program.

The candidates discussed theri thesis before the commission and guests.

Nursing Study Program at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" release a Joint Degree with the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", recognized in Europe and other countries.

The nurse is a professional who deals with nursing, healing, treatment, and rehabilitating assistance to patients. Furthermore, the nurse, assists in scientific research, academic education and supports in training auxiliary personnel, and after the graduation he/she can specialize in different fields or attend a Master of Science degree.

Congratulations to the graduates!

For more information on the Nuring Study Program, visit the website: https://www.unizkm.al/.../corso-di-laurea-in.../en...

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