
Graduation in Master of Science in "Nursery and Obstetric Sciences" and Master of Science in "Health Professions Rehabilitation Sciences"

At the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were graduated students of the Master of Science in "Nursery and Obstetric Sciences" and Master of Science in "Health Professions Rehabilitation Sciences".

At the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" were graduated students of the Master of Science in "Nursery and Obstetric Sciences" and Master of Science in "Health Professions Rehabilitation Sciences".
From today our graduates join thousands of others who have left the doors of the Catholic University "Our Lady of the Good Counsel".

Good luck to Eralda Doçi, Ludiana Dulaj, Ina Gjini, Briselda Gjokeja, Edvin Hoxhaj e Katerina Nafsika Melo.

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