
Pharmacy Lectures: Prof. Andrea Duranti's Erasmus+ Mobility at UCNSBC

During the week of June 3-7, 2024, Prof. Andrea Duranti, from the Carlo Bo University of Urbino, visited our university on an international teaching mobility under the Erasmus+ program.

During the week of June 3-7, 2024, Prof. Andrea Duranti, from the Carlo Bo University of Urbino, visited our university on an international teaching mobility under the Erasmus+ program.

During his stay, Prof. Duranti gave engaging lectures with students of the study programme in Pharmacy, enriching our academic program with new perspectives and knowledge on the topic of Phases of drug development: problems, aims and strategies. His presence stimulated a lively exchange of ideas and strengthened academic ties between our universities and future collaborations. We thank him for his dedication, professionalism and the enthusiasm with which he shared his knowledge with our students and faculty.

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