
The inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring"

Sotir Qiriaqi is the marathon runner who cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring" as we called the new pedestrian track at the Campus of the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" Foundation.

Sotir Qiriaqi is the marathon runner who cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring" as we called the new pedestrian track at the Campus of the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" Foundation. Sotir is known to many sports lovers because with will and dedication, despite his age, he has become a model of healthy sporting life.  The 1st Class Medal of Merit was awarded to him in 2019, calling him an "Ambassador of Peace". Sotir is also known to all as Ambassador of the Albanian Marathon. He has participated in around 200 marathons held around the world, setting the example of a man who inspires young generations through sport. For this reason, Sotir was chosen together with Anisa Bakiu, a marathon runner and student at our university, to inaugurate the pedestrian path. UKZKM is not only an international level educational institution but is also an educator and promoter of human values. The pedestrian track takes its name from the ring which, according to legend, was used by King Solomon to speak with animals. The ZKM Foundation thus wanted to remember the animal world, humanity's adventure companion on earth, our common home.

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