
International Executive/ II Level Master "Master Degree on Restoration, Conservation and Management of Architectural Heritage"

The International Executive/ II Level Master "Master Degree on Restoration, Conservation and Management of Architectural Heritage" is a joint study course realized by the University of Florence, Catholic University “Our Lady Of Good Counsel” and the University of Gjirokastra “Eqrem Çabej” and it will be held at the Catholic University “Our Lady Of Good Counsel” and the University of Gjirokastra “Eqrem Çabej”.

The International Executive/ II Level Master "Master Degree on Restoration, Conservation and Management of Architectural Heritage" is a joint study course realized by the University of Florence, Catholic University “Our Lady Of Good Counsel” and the University of Gjirokastra “Eqrem Çabej” and it will be held at the Catholic University “Our Lady Of Good Counsel” and the University of Gjirokastra “Eqrem Çabej”.

At the end of the Master, it is aimed on issuing the joint title "International Master Degree on Restoration, Conservation and Management of Architectural Heritage".

The master aims to train professionals with specific multidisciplinary technical-professional skills to analyze and understand the various aspects related to the practice of conservation and restoration, management, enhancement, and communication of the architectural and cultural heritage. The master will offer training activities in the context of the restoration project of historical artifacts, with an opening to new operational lines in the field of cultural heritage protection.

The integration between Italian and Albanian culture will make possible training specialized architects in Mediterranean area, sharing objectives and training on issues related to the conservation and restoration of the architectural heritage. The course is organized in five modules divided into teaching and practicing activities with contributions at an international level.

For more information, please visit our website: www.unizkm.al or e-mail [email protected]

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