
“Photo of the day” at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” with the students of the study program of Architecture.

When we talk about architecture we always think of beauty and the ability to improve the appearance of the cities and spaces that surround us.

When we talk about architecture we always think of beauty and the ability to improve the appearance of the cities and spaces that surround us.

The architect who grows professionally at UKZKM is the result of the coordination of theoretical, scientific and practical knowledge during the 5-year academic cycle. The professional architect acquires the ability to analyze the city, the territory, the monumental and historical values and the environment in a contemporary perspective.

Following the single 5-year cycle, the Senior Architect engages in the following proactive roles:

* designer as an independent or associated professional,

* part of the management and coordination staff of public and private entities,

* part of companies related to different fields of architecture,

* responsible or supervisor of various processes and phases of design, construction, restoration, industrial design, urban and territorial planning

Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” from 20 years in Europe!

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