
Tirana 2023 University Tournament

Great victory for Valentina Zezza, Lucrezia Cenci and Giorgia Natalizia, talented students of the Medicine Study Program at the Catholic Univresity “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, directed by the team coach, Raffaele Ferraro, student of the Physiotherapy Study Program.

Great victory for Valentina Zezza, Lucrezia Cenci and Giorgia Natalizia, talented students of the Medicine Study Program at the Catholic Univresity “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, directed by the team coach, Raffaele Ferraro, student of the Physiotherapy Study Program.

The UNIZKM students participated in the "Tirana 2023 University Tournament", organized by the Albanian Federation of University Sports in which 19 public and private universities, 600 student athletes and a significant number of student supporters participated.

With an amazing performance, Valentina, Lucrezia e Giorgia dominated the volleyball match against another university in Albania, with the result 2-0, thus moving to the semi-finals.

Proud of our students who, with determination, commitment and talent, continue to demonstrate the perfect balance between study and sport.

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