
Visit to the University of Urbino as part of the Erasmus+ program (staff mobility for teaching)

In the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility program for teaching, from 7 to 11 October, Prof. Assoc. Malvina Hoxha and PhD. Arvjola Hodaj from the Department of Chemical-Tossicological and Pharmacological Evaluation of Drugs visited the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility program for teaching, from 7 to 11 October, Prof. Assoc. Malvina Hoxha and PhD. Arvjola Hodaj from the Department of Chemical-Tossicological and Pharmacological Evaluation of Drugs visited the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

The professor of pharmacology Prof. Piero Sestili, and Prof. Andrea Guidarelli welcomed Prof. Assoc. Malvina Hoxha. Prof. Assoc. Malvina Hoxha held pharmacology lectures with the students of the third year of Pharmacy and students of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Tecnology. Prof. Hoxha discussed the pharmacological therapy of infantile cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis, and held a lecture on the role of eicosanoids in viral infection.

PhD.  Arvjola Hodaj conducted lectures and laboratory practices in the "Quantitative drugs analyzes and laboratory of drugs" laboratory at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Thanks to the help with Prof. Andrea Duranti and Prof. Assoc Simone Lucarini, PhD Hodaj was able to visit the scientific research laboratories, as well as establish new contacts for further collaborations.

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