
Visit of the President of the Republic of Albania to the University Campus and Catholic Hospital "Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë"

The University Campus and the Catholic Hospital of the “Our Lady of Good Counsel” Foundation were visited today by the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Bajram Begaj.

The University Campus and the Catholic Hospital of the “Our Lady of Good Counsel” Foundation were visited today by the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Bajram Begaj.

The President of the Republic was received by the President of the Foundation, fr. Ruggero Valentini, Rector of the Catholic University prof. Leonardo Palombi, prof. Tritan Shehu and head of the hospital complex, the general director Fr. Natalino Poggi, the health director Prof. Fabian Cenko and others. The Apostolic Nuncio Mons. Luigi Bonazzi and the first secretary of the Embassy of Italy in Tirana, Dr. Sergio Alias, were also present.

President Begaj visited the University Campus and accompanied by the head of the Foundation complex, he visited the Catholic Hospital, where he spoke with the medical staff, patients and patients' families and then received the message of hospitality in the Aula Magna of the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”.

Appreciating the extraordinary work done over 30 years by the ZKM Foundation in supporting education and protecting people's health, Mr. Begaj said, among other things, that "from an ambulance center in Kavaja Street, you have now created a university complex and a complete and modern hospital".

The visit lasted two hours and the President clearly expressed his appreciation for the work, which is a valuable development tool for Albania and the entire Balkan area.

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