
Visita didattica Vlora Marina - Architettura

First-year students of the Architecture study program of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Fabio Capanni, visited the site of the tourism project Vlora Marina in the coastal city of Vlora, as part of the initiative of the B4Students program.

First-year students of the Architecture study program of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Fabio Capanni, visited the site of the tourism project Vlora Marina in the coastal city of Vlora, as part of the initiative of the B4Students program. The visit was a combination of on-site observation of construction techniques for the composite and functional part and interaction with industry professionals. 

We thank the organizers for the opportunity!

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