
Iscrizione al primo anno-NON UE


To be informed by email about the news on the admission procedures at Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” you can express your interest by filling out the form you find on the following link:  Shprehje interesi

Criteri di ammissione anno accademico 2023-2024.pdf{Scarica}

To be admitted to Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” study programs, foreign candidates from non-European (non-EU) countries must:

  • Have the legal documentation for the completion of secondary education;
  • Meet the criteria of the grade point average of high school determined by decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 436, dt. 03.06.2020, amended by DCM no. 46 dt. 27.01.2021 of the Republic of Albania, according to which the grade point average to be accepted in the academic year 2024-2025 must be equal to or over 6.5 (referring to the Albanian education system).
  • Be a winner in the admission test that takes place at Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tirana, Albania:

- For study programs in Medicine, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Nursing or Physiotherapy, admission test includes:

  1. Written test in Italian, on general knowledge gained during high school in subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry - 30 points.
  2. Italian language proficiency test - 20 points.
  3. Overall grade point average of high school - 30 points.

- For the study program in Architecture, the admission test includes:

    1. Written test, in Italian, organized in multiple choice questions, to assess the knowledge of general culture mastered by the candidate - 30 points
    2. Overall grade point average of high school - 30 points.

- For the study program in Business Administration and Pharmacy the ranking of candidates is done based only on the general average of the high school.

* Foreign candidates who have not completed secondary education in Italy or in a high school where the official language of instruction is not Italian, must have a Certificate of Italian language at least level B1, as provided in Instruction No. 52 dated 03/12/2015 or to take the test of the Italian Language organized by Catholic University OLGC at the time of enrolment.

Admission test dates and relevant procedures for the 2024-2025 academic year will soon be published on calls for application on the university’s official website and on our social networks. The application is done online on the university portal: http://admissions.unizkm.al  within the deadlines that will be provided in the calls for application for the academic year 2024-2025, by uploading electronically (scanned in pdf format) the following documents:

  1. High school diploma (if available).
  2. High school diploma certificate with relevant data (written exam, oral exam, credits, additional points), which makes up the general assessment of the State Matura. If candidates don’t have the certificate, a stamped and signed certificate from the high school can be attached to the general assessment of the State Matura and detailed results (written exam, oral exam, etc.).
  3. Certificates of all years of high school.
  4. Identity card or passport issued by the Albanian authorities.

Candidates complete the final enrolment in the study program where they have been declared winners by submitting in person or through a representative authorized by proxy the registration documents specified in the admission/call for application.

Winning candidates must complete the High School Diploma Recognition procedure within the time limit specified in the application announcement. The enrolment as a student of these candidates is done with reservation, until the end of the procedure of the Recognition of their school documentation at the Center for Educational Services (QSHA) of the Republic of Albania. To be informed about the procedure to be followed, please click on the following link: Njehsimi i diplomës së shkollës së mesme.

For further information, please see the admissions announcements of the academic year 2024-2025 on the following links:

Bando di ammissione per i cittadini stranieri non-UE Facoltà di Medicina 2024-2025 pdf

Bando Architettura cittadini stranieri A.A 2024- 2025.pdf

Bando Economia Aziendale cittadini stranieri A.A 2024- 2025.pdf

Procedures for admission of candidates from the Republic of Kosovo, candidates of Albanian origin from Macedonia, Montenegro, Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovci

Candidates must have completed secondary education and meet the following criteria:

  • Have the legal documentation of completion of secondary education.
  • Meet the criteria of the grade point average determined by the decision of the Council of Ministers (DCM) no. 436, dated 03/06/2020, amended by DCM no. 46, dated 27/01/2021 of the Republic of Albania for the academic year 2023-2024, according to which the grade point average must be equal to or over 6.5 (referring to the Albanian education system).
  • Cannot enrol to attend more than one study program at the same time in the same academic year, in public and/or non-public, Albanian and/or foreign universities.
  • Must complete the procedure of recognition of high school diploma at the Center for Educational Services (QSHA), Republic of Albania.

According to Instruction no. 10 dt. 15/05/2019 of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, to apply for studies the candidates submit the following documentation:

  1. Notarized copy of the high school diploma validity document issued by the Center for Educational Services certifying that the high school diploma has been recognized;
  2. Notarized copy in the Republic of Albania (and translated into Albanian if issued in a foreign language), of the State Matura diploma together with the grades certificate;
  3. Copy of identification document (identity card / passport);
  4. 2 photo document formats
  5. Annexes accompanying Instruction no. 10 dt 15/05/2019.

Given the limited number of candidates for this category, applicants are selected according to the study programs for which they have applied:

For the study programs of the Faculty of Medicine, the selection of these candidates consists of a combined assessment of high school results, knowledge of the Italian language, and knowledge of the Natural Sciences (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) in Italian.

For the study program in Architecture, the selection of candidates is done through the following criteria:

  • Written test, in Italian, organized in multiple-choice questions, to assess the candidate’s knowledge of general culture;
  • Overall grade point average of high school.

Admission tests will not be conducted for candidates applying for study programs in Business Administration and Pharmacy. For these study programs, the ranking of candidates will be done according to the general average of the high school. For Pharmacy, after the enrolment, a general knowledge test will be performed, which will not affect the ranking of the candidates, as the ranking will be based on the general grade point average of the high school.

Admission test dates and application deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year will soon be published on the university’s official website and on our social networks.


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