
Master of science in economics and management

Course Description

Mbrojtja e temës së diplomës në Fakultetin e Shkencave Ekonomike, Politike dhe Sociale

Master in Economics and Management has as its core objective the preparation of students with specialised managerial knowledge and abilities so that to successfully face the labor market. The training process aims at acquiring advanced knowledge to fulfil strategical roles and functions or managerial and organizational responsibilities in public and/or private sector as well as to obtain strong competences to develop critical, integrated skills related to the management problems of economic organisation. The study program aims, through an interdisiplinary approach, to form professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to make decisions and initiate actions in critical situations, by taking into consideration the economic and strategic logic.



Course Duration


Course level

Master of Science (Second Cycle)


Faculty of Economic, Political and Social Sciences

Study Area(s)

Science Management

Course Structure

Employment possibilities

The economics majors can be employed in companies operating in the manufacture of goods and services, in supermarkets and the retail market, in the banking and insurance sector, in companies offering public services (light, water, gas), and generally in various services involving economics and management. Specifically, in public sector, professional opportunities relate to all central and peripheral structures of public administrations. 

Fees & Scholarships

Annual Tuition Fee Master of Science in Economics and Management

Annual tuition fee – 2.500,00 Euro

The above fee comprises the full annual fee and the student does not pay extra fees when he/she has to take and /or repeat an exam.

Bardhe Karra.JPG
Bardhë Karra, PhD
Department of Economic and Entrepreneurship Sciences
Phone: + 35542273290
Fax: +35542243291
Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tiranë, Shqipëri
Floralba Mykaj
Phone: +35542243291
Fax: +35542243291
Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tirana
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