
NATO “Science for Peace and Security”

The Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", coordinated by the University of Milan and in collaboration with the University of Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan, is an active partner in the project entitled "Detecting and early diagnosis of emerging biological threats".

The Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", coordinated by the University of Milan and in collaboration with the University of Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan, is an active partner in the project entitled "Detecting and early diagnosis of emerging biological threats". This project, partially funded by NATO as part of the Science for Peace and Security program, aims to develop and test a new device to diagnose some viruses that can be used for bioterrorism attacks, culminating in the creation of a specific vaccine against monkeypox virus (wild MPXV).

As part of this project, a new laboratory of Molecular Biology and Virology was structured within our University campus under the coordination of Prof. Carlo De Giuli Morghen, bringing in this way not only an innovation for Albania related to the type of scientific research in the field of molecular diagnosis, but at the same time encouraging cooperation and knowledge exchange between partners.

Therefore, at the beginning of September 2021, a long-awaited and enthusiastic experience began for us as young scientific researchers; a one-month mission to the host research structure, the Department of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine, in the University of Milan.

During our stay in Milan, we experienced a bunch of emotions, starting from the nostalgic feeling of returning to a very familiar place, considering the fact of being students graduated from UniMi/ UKZKM, to the warmth and hospitality offered by all staff and personnel of the host Department.

Prof. Carlo de Giuli Morghen, Prof. Antonia Radaelli as well as the head of the laboratory Prof. Carlo Zanotto, had prepared a detailed work program to enable us to train and acquire specific laboratory techniques and procedures such as: Bacterial transformation, plasmid DNA extraction, DNA digestion, electrophoresis, immunofluorescence, DNA transfection, extraction, purification and analysis of mRNA from eukaryotic cells, virus concentration by ultracentrifugation, RT-PCR, ELISA, Western blotting etc.

In addition, we had the opportunity to discuss and exchange information about the organization of the laboratory, protocol archiving, storage of biological samples and not only.

This experience enabled us to benefit from extended knowledge in the field of molecular biology and virology, a knowledge that will be applied to the management and coordination of work in our new laboratory at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel".

Besides the professional benefit, we can’t forget to mention our pleasure and pride for the close acquaintance and cooperation with consummate molecular biologists like Prof. Zanotto as well as rigorous and professional researchers like Prof. Radaelli and Prof. De Giuli Morgen. Prof. De Giuli Morgen, with his inexhaustible enthusiasm, his boundless motivation alongside with his irreplaceable professional and demanding figure as co-director of the NATO Research Project, represents for us a constant inspiration and motivation.

For these reasons, we would like to take profit of this occasion to express our thanks and gratitude to Prof. Carlo De Giuli Morghen for giving us this opportunity, as well as all the other collaborators which made our training period efficient and very pleasant.

NATO Research Project is of multiple importance. First of all, this is the first project of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" that has enabled the creation of a research laboratory as a result of competition and selection at high levels. Furthermore, the establishment of the laboratory, besides fulfilling the purpose of the project itself, is an important step towards the scientific and experimental development, thus contributing on one hand to increase the research capacities of the staff and on the other hand to the further expansion of the research itself in the field of molecular diagnostics.

We are confident and optimistic that just as our motivation is leading us to a new vision in personal career advancement, this project will offer an important contribution to the service of applications in the field of public health and pave the way for other funded projects at the european and international level.

Certainly, this would not be possible without the decisive support of the leaders of this University and the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" Foundation, which provided the necessary spaces and infrastructures for the implementation and continuous development of this project. We would like to express a special thanks to the Rector, Prof. Bruno Giardina, not only as a guiding authority but also as an illustrious scientific figure, represents a source of motivation for us, as well as for all young researchers of this University.

We would like to conclude with a quote that best represents this experience, which has left a deep impression on us:

“Starting a new journey is scary. But after each step that we travel, we realize how dangerous it would be to stay still”.

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