
Doctorate in "Public Health, Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, and Pharmacovigilance"

Course Description

Orë leksioni në laboratorin kimik të Fakultetit të Farmacisë

The study program of the third cycle "Doctorate" has as its objective the qualification of researchers at the highest scientific level in accordance with the principles and criteria sanctioned in Law No. 80, dated 22/07/2015, "On Higher Education in Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania"; and in Council of Ministers Decision No. 808, dated 11.12.2019, "On some changes in Decision No. 112, dated 23.02.2018, of the Council of Ministers, "On determining the criteria for obtaining the scientific degree "Doctor of Philosophy" and the state standards for earning the academic titles "Associate Professor" and "Professor". The study program for a doctorate in "Public Health, Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, and Pharmacovigilance" is accredited by the Higher Education Accreditation Council with decision no. 76, dated July 27, 2015.The Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" collaborates with the Institute of Public Health "Hulo Hajdri" and the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" to carry out this program.

The study plan aims to aid students in their training and qualification by preparing them scientifically and professionally. These studies are based on creative and scientific work, research methodology learned, the usage and processing of information sources, and the use of specialist terminology in the field of scientific research. The ultimate objective is to produce professionals that possess a high level of knowledge, are deserving of international collaboration, and are capable of independently managing scientific research projects. Doctoral students who successfully complete this program of study will have developed the scientific communication skills necessary to establish and sustain cooperative and productive working relationships with others.



Course Duration


Course level

PhD - (Third Cycle)


Faculty of Pharmacy

Study Area(s)

Medical sciences

Course Structure

The research fields that the fundamental unit offers serve as the basis for organizing doctoral study. To ensure the doctoral student's academic and scientific training, these studies include research-scientific and academic activities.

The Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Technologies, housed in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel," oversees the proper operation of the doctoral program and offers it. Doctoral studies are carried out by research teams under the direction of academic staff in the "Professor" category.

The Department of Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Technologies conducts research as part of its commitment to the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel” vision and mission to advance science in accordance with market demands and European standards. Each research project is therefore developed in accordance with the requirements of a national and worldwide significance to research in particular fields.

The scientific degree "Doctor" in "Public Health, Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and Pharmacovigilance" is awarded upon completion of the study.


Doctorate in "Public Health, Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, and Pharmacovigilance"

Irsida Mehmeti, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Phone: + 35542273290
Fax: +35542243291
Prof. Assoc. Eftiola Pojani
Department of the Chemical-Toxicological and Pharmacologic Evaluation of Drugs
Phone: + 35542273290
Fax: +35542243291
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