
Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty Description

Orë leksioni në laboratorin kimik të Fakultetit të Farmacisë

The Faculty of Pharmacy at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” offers students  complete theoretical and practical studies, giving general and professional knowledge in researching, producing medicines, the relationship with the patient and relations with the health system structures. At the end of the studies, the University issues a joint degree in collaboration with Italian partner University of Studies of Bari “Aldo Moro” .



THREE STRENGTHS, unique in ALBANIA, of the renewed study program in PHARMACY at UKZKM 

  1. INTERNATIONAL-INTERUNIVERSITY Study Program with the University of Bari (ITALY) authorized by the Ministry (ID: 1588368, date 22/2/23) with the AWARDING OF THE JOINT ACADEMIC DEGREE in Pharmacy, valid in the Albanian territory and in EU countries. 
  2. Qualification to practice the PROFESSION of Pharmacist or "drug and health product expert" only through the diploma, without having to take the STATE EXAM in Italy (approval of the UKZKM Academic Senate on 05/30/2023) and of the Albanian Ministry of 11/07/2023. 
  3. Opportunity for graduates to carry out EXPERIMENTAL DEGREE THESIS on site at the two RESEARCH LABORATORIES of UKZKM, (approval of the Academic Senate of UKZKM date 04/13/2023), for:


  • Gain experience for topical galenic preparations, and for the development of personalized smart medicines within the nanoalb Network


  • Gain experience in the chemical and toxicological control of drugs and health products

Tirana, June 12, 2023
Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel"
Prof. Roberto PERRONE


Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Tiranë, Shqipëri
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